Marching marimba re...
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Marching marimba re-stringing?

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Hey everybody... I am having a problem with this old Yamaha field series marimba (Kelon bars). I have to restring the thing just about every week (upper and lower manuals). I was wondering if anyone has any miracle string that they use that holds up any better than what I have, which is just nylon cord, purchased at my local Lowe's store. Any help would be appreciated... Thanks!

Ryan Alexander
Percussion Director
Lake Hamilton Schools (AR)

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Try "Parachute" Cord. They sell it at army surplus stores or sporting good stores. It is much stronger because it is muti-layered insulated nylon cord, and is pretty similar to what comes from the instrument factory.

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check for sharp edges where the rope is contacting the metal. it only takes one.

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Try using the search function on this message board. I remember seeing some posts on the same topic a while back. I have heard of using parachute chord from an Army Navy Store. Have you tried a store like eastern mountin sports (sells camping/climbing gear)? Perhaps you can find something a bit stronger there? I hope that this helps you.

